Target Groups

The main user groups of SmartWork are identified as follows

Older office workers

Older office workers will benefit from the User-Centric Al system for multi-dimension work ability sustainability, continuous unobtrusive and pervasive monitoring and risk assessment for their health status and overall functional and cognitive capacity, and provision of context- and worker-aware flexible and adaptive work support.


Employers, including managers and supervisors, will be able to improve efficiency and productivity of office workers teams through a novel approach, by shifting focus on increased job satisfaction through work flexibility and optimal contextual knowledge management.


Carers, both formal and Informal, will be able to continuously monitor the health status of the workers they care for, through automatically extracted higher level of health status and potential short- and long-term risks assessment, and adapt health and behavioural interventions to the evolving worker state.

The main user groups of SmartWork are identified as follows

Older office workers

Older office workers will benefit from the User-Centric Al system for multi-dimension work ability sustainability, continuous unobtrusive and pervasive monitoring and risk assessment for their health status and overall functional and cognitive capacity, and provision of context- and worker-aware flexible and adaptive work support.


Employers, including managers and supervisors, will be able to improve efficiency and productivity of office workers teams through a novel approach, by shifting focus on increased job satisfaction through work flexibility and optimal contextual knowledge management.


Carers, both formal and Informal, will be able to continuously monitor the health status of the workers they care for, through automatically extracted higher level of health status and potential short- and long-term risks assessment, and adapt health and behavioural interventions to the evolving worker state.

SmartWork target user groups and multi-layer architecture