23-25 September 2019, AAL Forum, Aarhus, Denmark The Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Programme promotes innovative technological product ideas and services for active and healthy ageing, supporting them until they launch on the market. These innovations are presented at the annual AAL Forum, among the largest...

13-15 November 2019: 2019 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy   The European Conference on Ambient Intelligence is the prime venue for research on Ambient Intelligence, with an international and interdisciplinary character. It brings together researchers and practitioners from the fields of science,...

9-10 May 2019, EIP-AHA Group D4 Meeting, Krakow, Poland The SmartWork project is on the Agenda on 9 May at a meeting of the D4 Action Group of the European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) at LifeScience Park in Krakow. Carina Dantas, from...

25-26 June 2019, SmartWork Consortium Meeting, Coimbra, Portugal SmartWork partners will meet to discuss and review project progress, reflect on learning and milestones reached so far, and plan for the next phase of the SmartWork project. The meeting will be hosted by both Caritas de Coimbra...

25-26 June 2019, SmartWork Consortium Meeting, Coimbra, Portugal SmartWork partners will meet to discuss and review project progress, reflect on learning and milestones reached so far, and plan for the next phase of the SmartWork project. The meeting will be hosted by both Caritas de Coimbra...

7-8 December 2019: EGen 2019 European Conference on Ageing & Gerontology, London   This year’s EGen Conference theme will take the reflective concepts of ‘Independence and Interdependence’, and SmartWork is expected to feature in the programme. Details to be finalised.   More info at https://egen.iafor.org/...

13-15 November 2019: 2019 European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy   The European Conference on Ambient Intelligence is the prime venue for research on Ambient Intelligence, with an international and interdisciplinary character. It brings together researchers and practitioners from the fields of science, engineering, and,...

17 October 2019: Second plenary SHELD-ON meeting, Ohrid, North Macedonia   Sheld-on is a multidisciplinary network supported by the COST Association to support the development of solutions that allow older persons to live safely, comfortably, and healthily at home through integrating design, ICT, ergonomics and health knowledge...

23-25 September 2019, AAL Forum, Aarhus, Denmark The Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Programme promotes innovative technological product ideas and services for active and healthy ageing, supporting them until they launch on the market. These innovations are presented at the annual AAL Forum, among the largest...