First SmartWork Technical Meeting, Athens, 12-13 September 2019

SmartWork technical partners met recently in Athens for a two-day gathering to focus on the technical developments of the SmartWork system.

Six SmartWork partners joined BYTE Computer SA at their offices to reflect on the technical progress so far and agree a workplan for the development of the six SmartWork services: healthyMe, myWorkAbility, workCoach, ubiWork, digiTeam, iCare.

BYTE opened Day 1 with a review and finalisation of the overall system architecture and connection points, before Roessingh Research & Development (RRD) and University of Patras (UPAT) led partners in a focused dialogue on issues related to SmartWork data management, storage and protection.

The rest of the day was dedicated to each of the six services under development, with each partner delivering a detailed update on their specific focus area(s):

  • SparkWorks (Sparks) presented their latest updates on unobtrusive sensing and low-level processing, as part of their wider focus on the development of the healthyMe Service.
  • UPAT provided a detailed presentation on data-driven modelling and AI tools for decision support.
  • Raising the Floor International (RtF-I) delivered an update on the technologies involved in creating ubiquitous workplaces and accessible personalised interaction interfaces, key areas of focus as they develop the ubiWork Service.
  • BYTE delivered a detailed presentation on the technologies involved in Work Flexibility Tools and on-Demand Training, as part of their development plan for the myWorkAbility Service, workCoach Service and digiTeam Service.
  • RRD focused on their development of the iCare Service, considering the initial wireframes, workflows and data required from other modules.

Day 1 concluded with a discussion led by Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) and Linköping University (LiU/COIN) on Cognitive State Estimation, looking specifically at collecting pilot data for machine learning and OSC software for eye tracking, followed by IPN and UPAT considering how to collect sensor datasets for machine learning training e.g from the computer mouse, eye-tracking, pose estimation etc.

Day 2 focused on the implementation and integration aspects of the SmartWork system. Specifically, partners agreed on a roll-out plan for each service, along with priorities and features to be included in each SmartWork version. Partners also discussed implementation infrastructure including deployment procedures, using GitHub and a ticketing system.

The two-day gathering finished with partners agreeing a number of technical conclusions, a task list and associated deadlines. The next Technical Meeting (Hackathon) will take place in Manchester (UK) in mid-February 2020.

More information on the SmartWork services to be developed is available here.

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